Osmosis Nutrition – Prolyte Plus Soluble Powder
Enzyme added soluble powder
• To replace heavy electrolytes loss due to Uraemia as result of kidney failure and viral infections
• Fast replacement of electrolytes to prevent dehydration and mortality due to hot spells or disease states
• To counteract dehydration cause by stress of debeaking, vaccination, transportation etc
Potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, vitamin AD3, enzyme, lactose
Uraemia: Add 1.5kg to each 200 Litres of water. Continue for 4 – 6 days
Transporting: Add 500 g to each 200 litres of drinking water. Continue for 3-5 days
Prophylactic use: Add 500 g to each 200 gallons of drinking water. Continue for 3 – 7 days
100 gm
Animal Target:
- Poultry
- Swine
- Ruminant
- Aquaculture